Skoči na vsebino

Obvestimo partnerske organizacije iz tujine o možnosti pomoči ob poplavah 2023

Spoštovani, spodbujamo vsa društva in zavode, da obvestite svoje partnerje v tujini, da lahko po svojih močeh pomagajo v tej naravni katastrofi. Zasledili smo tudi dober opis, ki ga je pošiljal Inštitut 8. marec in ga pripenjamo spodaj, dodane so še nekatere humanitarne organizacije, podatke so pripravili Pod črto.

Donate to victims of floods in Slovenia

Dear friends from all over the world,
As you might have seen in the news, Slovenia has had an excessive amount of rain in the past few days, the country has been flooded. Two thirds of Slovenia have been under water, many regions are still struggling. People have lost their homes, their belongings. Hundreds are still without electricity, food and water are scarce in some parts. The impact of these natural disasters is beyond measure, leaving communities shattered and families in desperate need of our help.

Every small contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of the victims. We are sharing a couple of ways you can help. If you can, please consider making a donation or sharing this post. A little goes a long way!

💚 Red Cross Slovenia:

Recipient: Rdeči križ Slovenija
Address: Mirje 19, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 0310 0123 4567 891
BANK ADRESS: SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana, Ajdovščina 4, 1000 Ljubljana
Creditor reference: SI00 96875
Purpose of transfer code: CHAR
Purpose of transfer: UJMA 2023

💚 Caritas Slovenia:

Recipient: Slovenska Karitas
Address: Kristanova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 0214 0001 5556 761
BANK ADRESS: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Trg republike 2, 1520 Ljubljana
Creditor reference: SI 00 624
Purpose of transfer code: CHAR
Purpose of transfer: POMOČ NEURJE

💚 Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth:

Recipient: Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije
Address: Dimičeva ulica 9, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 6100 0000 3512 232
BANK ADRESS: Delavska hranilnica d. d. Ljubljana, Miklošičeva cesta 5, 1000 Ljubljana
Creditor reference: SI00 245021
Purpose of transfer code: CHAR
Purpose of transfer: NEURJE

💚 Humanitarian organization ADRA Slovenija

Recipient: HD ADRA Slovenija
Address: Njegoševa 15 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 0284 3026 3945 425
BANK ADRESS: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Trg republike 2, 1520 Ljubljana
Creditor reference: SI00 2023
Purpose of transfer code: CHAR
Purpose of transfer: NEURJE 2023

Paypal link for donations.

Thank you!
